EXPENSIVE MILITARY HARDWARE LIKE a new tank undergoes rigorous testing before heading to the battlefield. A startup called Istari, backed by Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google and chair of Alphabet, reckons some of that work can be done more effectively in the metaverse.
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A shadowy Army unit secretly spied on British citizens who criticised the Government’s Covid lockdown policies, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Military operatives in the UK’s ‘information warfare’ brigade were part of a sinister operation that targeted politicians and high-profile journalists who raised doubts about the official pandemic response.
They compiled dossiers on public figures such as ex-Minister David Davis, who questioned the modelling behind alarming death toll predictions, as well as journalists such as Peter Hitchens and Toby Young. Their dissenting views were then reported back to No 10.
Documents obtained by the civil liberties group Big Brother Watch, and shared exclusively with this newspaper, exposed the work of Government cells such as the Counter Disinformation Unit, based in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, and the Rapid Response Unit in the Cabinet Office.
But these are just a small taste of the military-grade arsenal that law enforcement officers have at their disposal – with the military handing them hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of equipment, from mine-resistant vehicles and airplanes, to grenade launchers and rifles.
Since 1997, the US Department of Defense has transferred more than $7.2bn in military equipment to law enforcement agencies.
This is through the 1033 programme, which funnels excess military equipment to police forces for a fraction of the original cost.
Photos of meeting in Kyiv last year – which UK personnel thought was private – were posted by Ukraine’s National Guard (NGU)
UK MoD tells Declassified it has no plans to train NGU and that British commander was misquoted
But UK military is engaging with NGU and aware of “the peculiarities of [its] combat operations”
Apparent member of another far-right Ukrainian group was trained at Sandhurst in 2020
Details and photos of the meeting in the capital, Kyiv, were posted in Ukrainian on the website of Ukraine’s National Guard (NGU) last year.
Declassified understands the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) believed the September 2021 meeting to be private and should not have been publicised. There is no mention of the meeting in any UK records that are publicly available.
Three British commanders of Operation Orbital – the UK military’s training mission in Ukraine – are pictured, alongside three NGU officers. They sit around a table taking notes.
Published September 2000
Established in the spring of 1997, the Project for the New American Century is a nonprofit, educational organization whose goal is to promote American global leadership. The Project is an initiative of the New Citizenship Project. William Kristol is chairman of the Project, and Robert Kagan, Devon Gaffney Cross, Bruce P. Jackson and John R. Bolton serve as directors. Gary Schmitt is executive director of the Project.
At present the United States faces no global rival. America’s grand strategy should aim to preserve and extend this advantageous position as far into the future as possible.KEY FINDINGS
ESTABLISH FOUR CORE MISSIONS for U.S. military forces:
• defend the American homeland;
• fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars;
• perform the “constabulary” duties associated with shaping the security environment in
critical regions;
• transform U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs;”To carry out these core missions, we need to provide sufficient force and budgetary allocations. In particular, the United States must:
MAINTAIN NUCLEAR STRATEGIC SUPERIORITY, basing the U.S. nuclear deterrent upon a global, nuclear net assessment that weighs the full range of current and emerging threats, not merely the U.S.-Russia balance.
RESTORE THE PERSONNEL STRENGTH of today’s force to roughly the levels anticipated in the “Base Force” outlined by the Bush Administration, an increase in active-duty strength from 1.4 million to 1.6 million.
REPOSITION U.S. FORCES to respond to 21st century strategic realities by shifting permanently-based forces to Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia, and by changing naval deployment patterns to reflect growing U.S. strategic concerns in East Asia. Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century
MODERNIZE CURRENT U.S. FORCES SELECTIVELY, proceeding with the F-22 program while increasing purchases of lift, electronic support and other aircraft; expanding submarine and surface combatant fleets; purchasing Comanche helicopters and medium-weight ground vehicles for the Army, and the V-22 Osprey “tilt-rotor” aircraft for the Marine Corps.
CANCEL “ROADBLOCK” PROGRAMS such as the Joint Strike Fighter, CVX aircraft carrier, and Crusader howitzer system that would absorb exorbitant amounts of Pentagon funding while providing limited improvements to current capabilities. Savings from these canceled programs should be used to spur the process of military transformation.
DEVELOP AND DEPLOY GLOBAL MISSILE DEFENSES to defend the American homeland and American allies, and to provide a secure basis for U.S. power projection around the world.
CONTROL THE NEW “INTERNATIONAL COMMONS” OF SPACE AND “CYBERSPACE,” and pave the way for the creation of a new military service – U.S. Space Forces – with the mission of space control.
EXPLOIT THE “REVOLUTION IN MILITARY AFFAIRS” to insure the long-term superiority of U.S. conventional forces. Establish a two-stage transformation process which
• maximizes the value of current weapons systems through the application of advanced technologies, and,
• produces more profound improvements in military capabilities, encourages competition between single services and joint-service experimentation efforts.INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING gradually to a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, adding $15 billion to $20 billion to total defense spending annually.
Published November 2020
As global conflicts take on increasingly asymmetric and “grey” forms, the ability to manipulate the human mind employing neurocognitive science techniques and tools is constantly and quickly increasing. This complements the more traditional techniques of manipulation through information technology and information warfare, making the human increasingly targeted in the cognitive warfare.
Any user of modern information technologies is a potential target. It targets the whole of a nation’s human capital.
Cognitive Warfare, June-November 2020, p. 6
Original: https://www.innovationhub-act.org/sites/default/files/2021-01/20210122_CW%20Final.pdf
Published 10th September 2014
“I have nothing against Russian nationalists, or a great Russia,” said Dmitry, as we sped through the dark Mariupol night in a pickup truck, a machine gunner positioned in the back. “But Putin’s not even a Russian. Putin’s a Jew.”
Dmitry – which he said is not his real name – is a native of east Ukraine and a member of the Azov battalion, a volunteer grouping that has been doing much of the frontline fighting in Ukraine’s war with pro-Russia separatists. The Azov, one of many volunteer brigades to fight alongside the Ukrainian army in the east of the country, has developed a reputation for fearlessness in battle.
But there is an increasing worry that while the Azov and other volunteer battalions might be Ukraine’s most potent and reliable force on the battlefield against the separatists, they also pose the most serious threat to the Ukrainian government, and perhaps even the state, when the conflict in the east is over. The Azov causes particular concern due to the far right, even neo-Nazi, leanings of many of its members.
Published 22 January 2018
We also, though, need to continue to improve our ability to fight on this new battlefield, and I think it’s important that we build on the excellent foundation we’ve created for Information Warfare through our 77 Brigade which is now giving us the capability to compete in the war of narratives at the tactical level. And as David Patrikarakos put it in his recently published book ‘War in 140 Characters’, in which he observes on the war in Ukraine:
“… I was caught up in two wars: one fought on the ground with tanks and artillery, and an information war fought largely, though not exclusively, through social media. And counter intuitively, it mattered more who won the war of words and narratives than who had the most potent weaponry.”
He also observed that: “social media is throwing up digital supermen: hyper-connected and hyper-empowered online individuals” and I’d like a few of those in 77 Brigade, please.
Whitney Webb is interviewed by the Investigative Corona Committee Germany about who is influencing the conversation around COVID-19. Her interview starts at 1h09m.
Interview notes:
- Google Ventures’ investment in the AstraZeneca vaccine via Vaccitech.
- Reworking of the healthcare system and replacement of doctors with artificial intelligence.
- The ties between government, Big Tech, the military, healthcare and artificial intelligence.
- The AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine is not non-profit. The two developers at the Jenner Institute, Sarah Gilbert and Adrian Hill, have a company, Vaccitech, on which the technology is based.
- The British Government has directly invested in Vaccitech and is expected a profit.
- The other main stakeholder is Bravos Capital (through Oxford Science Innovation), which was set up by former head of Global Equity Trading at Deutsche Bank.
- The German Government has invested money in CureVac BioNTech vaccine. 20% of the shares is owned by the German Government.
- Sequoia Capital‘s Chinese Branch, Fosun Pharma and The Wellcome Trust (through Oxford Science Innovation) are also investors in Vaccitech.
- The Wellcome Trust is the institution that is most involved in the AstraZeneca vaccine.
- The Jenner Institute is conducting trials in Africa for a universal malaria vaccine and they have a nasty track-record of not being honest about their trials. They lied about risks and infants died.
- The Jenner Institute was a public-private partnership with GlaxoSmithKline and the UK Government in the 1990s. They are one of the main vehicles at Oxford University for vaccine development and also UK vaccine funding research.
- Adrian Hill, the head of the Jenner Institute, is the chief at the UK Government’s UK Vaccine Network which decides which technology to research, fund and give to the population both in the UK and globally through vaccine philanthropy.
- COVAX, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation effort to vaccinate the developing world, relies almost entirely on AstraZeneca.
- Johnson & Johnson is being manufactured by Emergent BioSolutions which previously was called BioPort.
- BioPort was a spin-off of a fusion between Porton Down, the UK’s bio-defence lab (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory), and the between [William_J._Crowe] the former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under US President Ronald Regan.
- Emergent BioSolutions/BioPort was chosen to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine despite many scandals.
- The person in-charge of quality control for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has no experience in the field. His background is head of Military Intelligence teams for the US Military in Iraq and Afghanistan and is also an expert on Iran and North Korea.
- Emergent BioSolutions are intimately connected to the CIA and Bechtel Corporation which has ties to the anthrax attacks in the US.
- Dr. Wodarg raised the possibility that the current situation is being used to covertly study wide use mRNA vaccines.
- Pfizer and Moderna mRNA technology was started with significant investment from DARPA in 2013.
- In 2016, Moderna was the most highly valued biotech company in the US but had no products.
- Regina Dugan greenlighted the investments from DARPA and later left in 2012 to create a DARPA-equivalent for Google and Facebook. She has now teamed up with the Wellcome Trust to create a ‘global health DARPA-equivalent’.
- Some discussion on the pre-911 anthrax vaccine and anthrax attack scandal, with links to reporter Judith Miller who was later involved in the Dark Winter simulation in June 2001.
- A lot of the same people who produced the Dark Winter simulation are the same people who oversaw Event 201 simulation.
- Dr. Wodarg raised concerns about the experimentation with lipid nanoparticles.
- There is a clear push to ‘remake healthcare’ from Silicon Valley towards AI healthcare and Precision Medicine, which is medications, vaccines and gene therapy targeted to the individual.
- A lot of COVID-19 testing in the Western US has been done by Google subsidiary Verily Life Sciences.
- AI healthcare and Precision Medicine is being co-developed by Google and the US military’s Defense Innovation Unit.
- Dr. Wodarg observed that we are seeing the unveiling of a long developed strategy.
- The push in medicine for gene editing goes back to Julian Huxley, first Director General of UNESCO and former president of the British Eugenics Society (renamed in 1989 to the Galton Institute). Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, said in 1946 that we should, “make the unthinkable thinkable again” and also coined the term Transumanism. He said that gene editing as a eugenics science needed to be applied along with efforts to merge humans with machines in order to create a ‘new human being’. This goes back to 1957.
- Adrian Hill of the AstraZeneca vaccine spoke at the Galton Institute’s 100 Year Anniversary. The Wellcome Trust hosts their archive.
- Julian Huxley’s speech about “making the unthinkable thinkable again” was in connection with the founding of UNESCO.
- The push for Precision Medicine is ultimately about control and eugenics.
- The Obama Administration funded a lot of the Precision Medicine initiatives. The Biden Administration is creating a ‘health DARPA’ which will be led by Eric Lander (who has ties with Jeffrey Epstein).
- Jeffrey Epstein wanted the seed the human race with his own DNA. The scientists Epstein funded are still around. One of them is Harvard genetecist George Church who has openly promoted unethical human experimentation and eugenics.
- The Edge Foundation was operating as a front for Epstein as a way to gain influence in Silicon Valley, science and academia. His main handler is probably the Mega Group. He has ties with Isabelle Maxwell (Gislane Maxwell’s sister) who is a World Economic Forum technology pioneer.
- Bill Gates‘ ties with Epstein looks to go back to the 1990s. A 2001 Evening Standard article claims that Epstein’s main business partners were Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump and Bill Gates. Microsoft as a company may have been compromised by the same intelligence networks that Epstein operated in.
- Yuval Noah Harari: soon there will be an age of digital dictators and humans have been reduced to ‘hackable animals’ through technology.
- Klaus Schwab openly talks about COVID-19 being the catalyst for The Great Reset and Transhumanism. The fear of COVID would give way to the fear of Climate Change and Cyber Pandemic.

Backup mirrors:
The Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) has worked in partnership with the German Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning to understand the future implications of human augmentation (HA), setting the foundation for more detailed Defence research and development.
The project incorporates research from German, Swedish, Finnish and UK Defence specialists to understand how emerging technologies such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics and the possibility of brain-computer interfaces could affect the future of society, security and Defence. The ethical, moral and legal challenges are complex and must be thoroughly considered, but HA could signal the coming of a new era of strategic advantage with possible implications across the force development spectrum.
HA technologies provides a broad sense of opportunities for today and in the future. There are mature technologies that could be integrated today with manageable policy considerations, such as personalised nutrition, wearables and exoskeletons. There are other technologies in the future with promises of bigger potential such as genetic engineering and brain-computer interfaces. The ethical, moral and legal implications of HA are hard to foresee but early and regular engagement with these issues lie at the heart of success.
Original: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/human-augmentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-paradigm
- Commentary on this document can be found at the Corbett Report Episode 405 – Designing Humans for Fun and Profit. Time reference 21min 15sec
- See also: A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction by Whitney Webb.
Published 17 April 2019
Ukraine’s Azov movement is hostile to Russia, friendly to neo-Nazis, and inspired by France’s new right. It’s not running in Ukraine’s presidential elections because it plans to win power by playing a long game.
Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The “war on viruses” began back in the 1990s as the “war on bioterror.” Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: “Dark Winter” (2001), “Global Mercury” (2003), “Atlantic Storm” (2005) or “Clade X” (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at “Event 201” in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally.
Passages like the following appeared in scripts as early as 20 years ago: “The sight of an armed military presence in US cities has provoked protests about curtailment of civil liberties (…) The question is, however, how do we enforce it and to what degree? How much force do you use to keep people in their homes?” In the event of a pandemic, “basic civil liberties such as freedom of assembly or travel” could no longer „taken for granted”. Restrictions on liberty, as well as mass vaccinations, were regular features of the planning games.
This lecture will chronologically trace how these exercises came about, who organized them, and what parallels the scripts have to the current situation. Is the virus just a pretext for a longer-planned global transformation? And was a severe stock market quake in September 2019 perhaps the real trigger for the global lockdown?
Table of contents:
0:00:00 Pandemic exercisces – Preparation for a new era?
0:02:23 Era of the Cold War 1945 – 1990
0:05:05 The USA without an enemy
0:17:05 Bioterror exercises 1990 – 2005
0:23:51 The Exercise “Dark Winter”
0:30:44 Emergency plans for bioterror and flu pandemics
0:35:40 Interim conclusion
0:38:40 “Lock Step-Scenario” 2010
0:44:38 “MARS” and the G20 Health Minister meeting in Berlin
0:50:35 Why the Corona Pandemic startet in 2020
0:58:19 “Event 201“ – Training with a Corona pandemic
- A third of all military personnel are refusing the COVID-19 vaccine
- Some are citing the rushed rollout of the anthrax vaccine in the 1990s as the reason why they do not want to receive the new COVID jab
- In 1997, the military made it mandatory for service personnel to receive the anthrax shot; thousands subsequently complained of debilitating side effects
- A lengthy legal battle ensued, before the courts determined that the FDA hadn’t ‘adequately studied’ how effective the shot was against the inhalation anthrax
- Commanders concede they need to do a better job of messaging and allaying fears among military members that they are being used as ‘testers’ for the jab
- Other personnel are citing wild conspiracy theories about the vaccine, including one who refused the shot for fear it was implanting a tracking device
ive years ago, Ukraine’s Maidan uprising ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, to the cheers and support of the West. Politicians and analysts in the United States and Europe not only celebrated the uprising as a triumph of democracy, but denied reports of Maidan’s ultranationalism, smearing those who warned about the dark side of the uprising as Moscow puppets and useful idiots. Freedom was on the march in Ukraine.
Today, increasing reports of far-right violence, ultranationalism, and erosion of basic freedoms are giving the lie to the West’s initial euphoria. There are neo-Nazi pogroms against the Roma, rampant attacks on feminists and LGBT groups, book bans, and state-sponsored glorification of Nazi collaborators.
These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity.
Since inception, the program has transferred over $7.6 Billion worth of equipment (based on the items Original Acquisition Value [OAV]). In Fiscal Year 2022, $160 Million (based on OAV) worth of equipment was conditionally transferred to participating law enforcement agencies.
The study is important because of the social structure of control here. It’s one thing to observe no effects from national lockdowns. There are countless variables here that could be invoked as cautionary notes: demographics, population density, preexisting immunities, degree of compliance, and so on. But with this Marine study, you have a near homogeneous group based on age, health, and densities of living. And even here, you see confirmed what so many other studies have shown: lockdowns are pointlessly destructive. They do not manage the disease. They crush human liberty and produce astonishing costs, such as 5.53 million years of lost life from the closing of schools alone.
Among Marine Corps recruits, approximately 2% who had previously had negative results for SARS-CoV-2 at the beginning of supervised quarantine, and less than 2% of recruits with unknown previous status, tested positive by day 14. Most recruits who tested positive were asymptomatic, and no infections were detected through daily symptom monitoring. Transmission clusters occurred within platoons.
The senior Twitter executive with editorial responsibility for the Middle East is also a part-time officer in the British Army’s psychological warfare unit, Middle East Eye has established.
Gordon MacMillan, who joined the social media company’s UK office six years ago, has for several years also served with the 77th Brigade, a unit formed in 2015 to develop “non-lethal” ways of waging war.
The 77th Brigade uses social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, as well as podcasts, data analysis and audience research to conduct what the head of the UK military, General Nick Carter, describes as “information warfare”.
During the Cold War, the British Government used the general public as unwitting biological and chemical warfare guinea pigs on a much greater scale than previously thought, according to new historical research.
In more than 750 secret operations, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Britons were subjected to ‘mock’ biological and chemical warfare attacks launched from aircraft, ships and road vehicles.
Up until now historians had thought that such operations had been much less extensive. The new research, carried out by Ulf Schmidt, Professor of Modern History at the University of Kent, has revealed that British military aircraft dropped thousands of kilos of a chemical of ‘largely unknown toxic potential’ on British civilian populations in and around Salisbury in Wiltshire, Cardington in Bedfordshire and Norwich in Norfolk.