
Evidence of staged Greta Thunberg arrest at German coalmine protest

A video emerges that indicates the staged arrest of Greta Thunberg at a coalmine protest near the German village of Lützerath on 17th January 2023. Note the numbers on the police helmets and jackets are identical.

Video 1 source: Guardian News

Video 2 source: circulating on social media

According to BBC News, police said that she was not arrested and was later released after they checked her ID.


Why are some US police forces equipped like military units? – The Guardian

But these are just a small taste of the military-grade arsenal that law enforcement officers have at their disposal – with the military handing them hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of equipment, from mine-resistant vehicles and airplanes, to grenade launchers and rifles.

Since 1997, the US Department of Defense has transferred more than $7.2bn in military equipment to law enforcement agencies. 

This is through the 1033 programme, which funnels excess military equipment to police forces for a fraction of the original cost.


British Police Have Transformed Into a Tool for Enforcing the State’s Will – Peter Hitchens

This time on #SWYSI, Peter Hitchens discusses the British police’s historic transformation into a form unrecognisable from decades past. He agues that the British police were once unique in the world. They were an important conservative & very English institution which was set up in complete distinction from continental police forces. Parliament had seen European police forces become tools of oppression. They were armed & uniformed state police whose job was to enforce the will of the state — and it was not felt that such a body should exist in Britain. Consequently, the British police force that was set up was very different: unarmed, not given special powers, limited in their abilities. This is no longer the case.


Australian cop quits after bombshell interview, claims most colleagues ‘suffering’ & don’t want to enforce tough Covid-19 rules – RT

A female officer with Victoria Police, who served for 16 years, has resigned in protest against the use of police to enforce Covid-19 rules, saying in an interview that a “great majority” of her colleagues shared her sentiments.

…Some rough behavior by the police during the pandemic might be partially explained by the enforcement approach taken by Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, Mitchell suggested. “I think that the reason, or the issue, in why perhaps police [are] feeling more emboldened to act the way they are in relation to these harsher actions is because of the messaging that comes from Dan [Andrews],” who tells the law enforcers what to do “on a daily basis,” she said.


EXCLUSIVE: Ethical Policing in Victoria – Discernable

Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell is a sworn member of the Victoria Police in Australia. She has served Victorians for 16 years as a police officer including 6 years at Professional Standards Command – the division responsible for investigating police misconduct, corruption, discrimination and freedom of information, referring investigations to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) where appropriate.

Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell cites ethical conflicts as the reason for speaking publicly about conduct of Victoria Police officers, their Chief Commissioner – Shane Patton, their Minister – the Hon. Lisa Neville MP, and ultimately their Premier – the Hon. Daniel Andrews MP. She feels she can no longer remain silent with the division between police and community is growing, and totally ignored by the leadership of both the police and government.

Despite a promise to focus on ‘Community Policing’ and ‘Back to Basics’ policing by Shane Patton, Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell has witnessed the opposite trajectory during the Covid-19 pandemic and is reminding her colleagues that ultimately they will individually be held accountable for their actions, and are still subject to s 462A of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) which forbids the disproportionate use of force.

She is also calling for Victoria Police to remain consistent to the values, ethics and decision making frameworks (such as SELF) that it used to demand of its members a mere 2 years ago.

Backup mirrors:


Melbourne protester: Victoria Police “would take the pain point and push it harder” – Dionne Fraser

These are the claims from Dionne Fraser who was arrested while peacefully kneeling and praying at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, Australia, on 22 September 2021.

Ms. Fraser claims that she was put in a dirty cell covered with blood and urine. Police made a mental assessment to find out her trauma triggers and then used them against her.

  • After being arrested at the Shrine, she was sent to Melbourne West and then transferred to Sunshine West cells.
  • She could not sleep, drink or eat or go to toilet because she didn’t feel safe.
  • She claims to have been threatened to be sent to women’s prison if she didn’t admit to crimes she didn’t commit.
  • “They would take the pain point and push it harder.”
  • “They took out the peaceful people and care givers first.”
  • “They are arresting normal people.
  • “Everyone is getting treated like a thug.”

Backup mirrors:


Helen Dale: Violent scenes in Australia exposes a characteristic of the whole country – GBNews

Australian writer and lawyer Helen Dale says that the police response at the Melbourne protests exposes a deep seated corruption in the Australian police and judicial system.


Australian police are now shooting at protesters – September 2021

Claims are emerging that Australian police are inciting violence during 22 September 2021 protests in Melbourne.

This is a compilation videos emerging from social media:

Twitter user @risemelbourne is posting videos and updates from Melbourne, Australia.


How councils became parallel police forces – Spiked

But over the past 20 years, local authorities have started to take a more police-like role. They issue an increasing number of penalties, carry out patrols, and issue new legal orders. This trend has been furthered under Covid, with new powers and funding to issue legal orders and penalties, and a new patrolling role for ‘Covid marshals’, who ensure businesses and individuals are following social-distancing rules. Over time, local authorities have also been increasingly released from legal and governmental checks on how powers are used, meaning that they now hold remarkable power over the lives of citizens.


Exclusive: Hundreds Of Police Officers Accused Of Abusing Powers For Sexual Gain – PoliticsHome

Hundreds of police officers are referred to the official police watchdog every year for abusing their powers for sexual gain, according to exclusive figures obtained by PoliticsHome.

Data from the Independent Office for Police Conduct shows that the highest level of corruption referrals this year were concerning police officers engaging in inappropriate sexual contact with often vulnerable members of the public.


All prosecutions under the Coronavirus Act have now been dropped, CPS admits – The Telegraph

Not a single person has been successfully prosecuted under the Coronavirus Act despite almost 300 people being charged, it has emerged.

Figures released by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) following a 12 month review, revealed that all 270 cases had been dropped before making it to court.

The vast majority of prosecutions were withdrawn because the police – confused by the constantly changing laws – had charged people with the wrong offence.


When police start raiding our churches, you know the revolution has begun – Peter Hitchens, The Mail on Sunday

The Communists hated Christ, and God in general, because they wanted the people to worship them instead. They rightly saw the church as a rival…It turns out that free countries are incredibly easy to turn into despotisms, because nobody can believe what is happening.


Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) Provides Law Enforcement Activities logistical oversight and support in the procurement and accountability of DoD excess property – Defense Logistics Agency

Since inception, the program has transferred over $7.6 Billion worth of equipment (based on the items Original Acquisition Value [OAV]). In Fiscal Year 2022, $160 Million (based on OAV) worth of equipment was conditionally transferred to participating law enforcement agencies.


Under cover of coronavirus, the Tory government is bulldozing basic liberties – The Guardian

And then there is the biggest issue of all: the fact that breaking the rule is a criminal offence. As the Hampstead incident suggests, some police officers are evidently seizing their chance to indulge in the kind of neurotic, unnecessary behaviour that first reared its head at the start of lockdown.As part of a quest for “stronger enforcement of the rules”, Boris Johnson has proposed local “Covid marshals” who will ensure any miscreants do as they are told. Now, there are to be fines of up to £10,000 for people judged to have breached self-isolation rules, and the police will be checking compliance in the “highest incidence areas” and “high-risk groups”, based on “local intelligence”.

…The legislation allows ministers to authorise no end of drastic moves, from much weaker oversight of government surveillance and sectioning powers under the Mental Health Act to the closure of the UK’s borders. Perhaps the most startling section – which Martha Spurrier, the director of the pressure group Liberty, calls “completely wild” – lays out how the police can be rapidly allowed to detain anyone deemed “potentially infectious”, without an upper time limit.


Parliament surrendered role over Covid emergency laws, says Lady Hale – The Guardian

The former president of the supreme court says parliament “surrendered” its role over emergency laws restricting freedoms amid the coronavirus pandemic, in an intervention expected to embolden MPs threatening a Commons revolt.


Lockdown vs BLM protests compared

The anti-lockdown protests and BLM protests in London were only days apart yet the police and media handled them in very different ways. The double-standards are clearly displayed here.

Lockdown protests

BLM protests

News coverage


“Lizzie Dearden meets the conspiracy theorists happy to creak the law to oppose what they see as the ‘tyranny’ of coronavirus restrictions”

16 May 2020

“Black Lives Matter: All the peaceful protests happening in the UK this week.”

4 June 2020

The Sun

“COVIDIOTS – Scuffles as dozens of protesters including Jeremy Corbyn’s brother whinge about coronavirus lockdown in Hyde Park”

16 May 2020

“London Protest – Justice for Black Lives protest: What time is the Parliament Square demo on June 6?”

6 June 2020

The Express

“London lockdown protest: Huge crowd gathers in Hyde Park for idiotic coronavirus stunt”

16 May 2020

“London Protest: Black Lives Matter demonstration begins – organisers promise biggest ever”

3 June 2020

Images circulating on Twitter unless otherwise credited. Please contact us to claim credit for an image.


Police have no powers to enforce two-metre social distancing, says new official guidance – The Telegraph

Police have no powers to enforce two-metre social distancing in England, says new guidance for officers in England and Wales.

Officers should only enforce what is written in law which does not include the two metre rule, says the guidance issued on Wednesday by the College of Policing and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).

News Opinion

Lord Sumption discusses Coronavirus lockdown on BBCR4 PM with Evan Davis

The is the worst interference with personal liberty in our history. For what is by historical standards not a very serious pandemic except for particular categories of vulnerable people who can isolate themselves voluntarily.

The problem about law is that it excludes common sense.


14 arrested by police at London anti-lockdown protest – 9 May 2020

I’m in ghost town Madrid, witnessing a brutal lockdown enforcement. Is it even constitutional? – RT