
Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism & Trusted Treatments vs Untested Novel Therapies – Dr. Peter McCullough, AAPS

Peter McCullough, MD, MPH speaks at the 78th Annual Meeting of AAPS on October 2, 2021.

Presentation notes:

  • 1min: Something was going very wrong very early in 2019.
  • 2m: The threshold for shutting down a new biologic product is just a few cases.
  • 3m: Covid-19 was going to be the showcase of what we could do for biotech.
  • 5m: The spike protein created by the new Covid-19 is a deadly protein.
  • 11m: Our institutions are all culpable in medical malfeasance.
  • 13m: We have the biggest biological catastrophe on our hands with a medicinal product in human history…and no-one knows how to stop it.
  • List of risk
  • 14m: 86% of deaths have no other explanation other than the vaccines.
  • 20m: We are in freefall into a lawless state. The Vaccines are not safe for use on either side of the Atlantic. It’s clear that this first generation of [Covid-19] vaccines is not safe.
  • 22m: The FDA did not approve Pfizer. The gave a continuation of the emergency use authorization and then conditionally approved Comirnaty with BioNTech which is legally and potentially medicinally distinct. The Pfizer approval is a false talking point.
  • 23m: When Pfizer came up for boosters, McCullough and his team presented at the FDA showing that death with the vaccine is greater than death just taking your chances with the infection. The vaccines aren’t safe across the board and the panel agreed 16:2 against the booster.
  • 26m: Data for the efficacy of the vaccines do not take into account the Delta variant. These vaccines have failed against Delta and other variants. Two-thirds who get sick with Delta are fully vaccinated. Data shows that the vaccines can’t stop transmission.
  • 27m: Effectiveness for Pfizer is at 42%. A vaccine that falls below 50% protection and can’t last a year is not a viable product. Pfizer has failed as a commercial product.
  • 29m: The CDC was telling us in May 2021 that the vaccines were failing. They started to do asymmetric reporting to craft a narrative that this was going to be a crisis of the unvaccinated but the CDC data showed the opposite. The ineptitude and willful misconduct of the people running our public health agencies is astounding.
  • 32m: The ‘99% of hospitalized were unvaccinated’ message was a propagandized false talking point because the data is not there.
  • 33m: The vaccines have had zero impact on the epidemic curve. Mortality is a function of treatment.
  • 34m: Many experts have been warning that we shouldn’t vaccinate into a pandemic because it creates resistance. As soon as we started vaccinating, the number of strains starting falling. The virus was figuring out how to thrive in the vaccinated.
  • 36m: The Delta variant has achieved antigenic escape. The data shows that the vaccinated is an equal threat to the unvaccinated.
  • 38m: Early home treatment is the only thing that makes sense. That’s what it should have always been.
  • 40m: Doctors at my institution cannot look me in the eye because they are so ashamed of what they’ve done during the course of this pandemic.
  • 44m: If you look through the clinical records [of those who have died] and I will tell you they were all inadequately treated.
  • 50m: Natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity. If we vaccinate people who are covid-recovered, we harm them considerably. The only backstop is natural immunity.

File download:

A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons – PDF (1.4MiB)


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Alternative Media Opinion Videos

Dr. Robert Malone Interview – Inventor Of mRNA Technology Censored For Speaking Out On Vaccine Risks – The Last American Vagabond

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology used in the COVID-19 injections, discusses his concerns over their safety and how concerns are censored. 

  • “I have been written out of history.”
  • The chairman of the board of Reuters sits on the board of Pfizer.
  • The conflicts of interests are overt…it’s in your face…they have no shame.
  • The big thinkers in the government envy the Chinese model of government.
  • The political spectrum is irrelevant [on the topic of COVID and vaccines].
  • These discussions are forbidden talk so we won’t get to the truth.
  • Detailed discussion on the cytotoxic effects of spike proteins and safety of the new mRNA COVID vaccines at around 40mins.
  • Dr. Malone agrees with many of Dr. Mike Yeadon‘s comments, except Dr. Yeadon’s conclusion of a conspiracy.
  • The figure of 70% uptake of vaccines to reach herd immunity was made up. The data isn’t known. “Somebody is just pulling it out of the air.”
  • The vaccines don’t stop you from getting the virus or spreading it.
  • The early trials were designed to optimise success.
  • You cannot publish stuff outside of the approved memes and that means we can’t do science. People are dying because of this.
  • Other treatments have been suppressed to increase uptake of the vaccine.
  • The fear is bringing out social pathologies and is diminishing our ability to think.
  • We’ve had rampant groupthink in the government, in the WHO and across the world.
  • “I’ve never seen this level of co-ordinated crazy.”
  • “I’m concerned about what’s at the other side of the tunnel.”
  • The new COVID-19 vaccines are still experimental.
  • “Most of us who haven’t drunk the Koolaid” say the risk of COVID to children is remarkably low and the risk of vaccines is not nothing.
  • There is no logic in vaccinating children, adolescents and young adults. There are some risk and they’re not trivial.

Source links can be found at The Last American Vagabond.


Lockdown legacy facing future generations – Dr Rob Verkerk, Pandemic Podcast

Rob Verkerk, Founder, Executive and Scientific Director of the Alliance for Natural Health International, a scientist who has for 30 years been exploring positive ways to span the gulfs between science and the law, between academia and industry, and between governments and their people.

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The Lab-Leak Hypothesis – Did the Coronavirus Escape from a Lab? – New York Magazine

hat happened was fairly simple, I’ve come to believe. It was an accident. A virus spent some time in a laboratory, and eventually it got out. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, began its existence inside a bat, then it learned how to infect people in a claustrophobic mine shaft, and then it was made more infectious in one or more laboratories, perhaps as part of a scientist’s well-intentioned but risky effort to create a broad-spectrum vaccine. SARS-2 was not designed as a biological weapon. But it was, I think, designed. Many thoughtful people dismiss this notion, and they may be right. They sincerely believe that the coronavirus arose naturally, “zoonotically,” from animals, without having been previously studied, or hybridized, or sluiced through cell cultures, or otherwise worked on by trained professionals. They hold that a bat, carrying a coronavirus, infected some other creature, perhaps a pangolin, and that the pangolin may have already been sick with a different coronavirus disease, and out of the conjunction and commingling of those two diseases within the pangolin, a new disease, highly infectious to humans, evolved. Or they hypothesize that two coronaviruses recombined in a bat, and this new virus spread to other bats, and then the bats infected a person directly — in a rural setting, perhaps — and that this person caused a simmering undetected outbreak of respiratory disease, which over a period of months or years evolved to become virulent and highly transmissible but was not noticed until it appeared in Wuhan.