Opinion Videos

Conscience & Vaccines – Fr. Ambrose Astor, Lumen Fidei Institute

Those who have received the vaccine should, however, examine their conscience and ask themselves what exactly they knew at the time. If they knew nothing about the ethical issues, was this for lack of having taking the trouble to find out? Ignorance is sometimes culpable. However in those who have a duty to know (priests, doctors, government officials, judges), it is always culpable.


How To Spot Covid-19 Misinformation – Dr. Sam Bailey

Dr. Sam Bailey seeks answers from the authorities about what defines Covid Misinformation.

Alternative Media Videos

Covid-19: Behind the PCR Curtain – Dr. Sam Bailey

Let’s dig deeper into PCR tests once again and have a look behind the curtain of this Covid-19 pandemic.


Excess Mortality – What You Aren’t Being Told – Dr Sam Bailey

PCR Pandemic: Interview with Virus Mania’s Dr Claus Köhnlein
  • AIDS was a testing pandemic, just like COVID-19.
  • Many of the excess deaths for COVID-19 were due to inappropriately high dosages of hydroxychloroquine during experimental study trials.
  • High COVID-19 excess deaths stopped after the trials were ended.
  • Professor Martin Landry, leader of the UK-based Recovery trial, may have made a mistake in proposing high dosage of hydroxychloroquine. It seems he confused it with diiodohydroxyquinoline, treatment for treatment of amoebiasis.
  • The treatment caused the damage.
  • The danger of over-treatment is everywhere because the industry wants to sell diseases.
  • COVID-19 is a self-limiting disease.
  • The data shows that COVID-19 has no more killing potential than the yearly flu.
  • Masks and lockdowns are ridiculous and damaging the whole population.
  • It’s a political thing and not a health problem.
  • Remdesivir is an immunosuppressant and useless against COVID-19.
  • You have to live with viruses and you can’t fight against them.
  • There is no treatment against COVID-19.
  • The treatment against COVID-19 is to rest, like the flu.
  • The problem is testing. If you stop the test, you’ll see nothing.
  • Lockdowns were an overreaction.
  • Vaccines are probably not a solution. You’ll have to vaccinate everyone every year. It’s good businesses.