Dr. Philip McMillan interviews vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bossche and Robert Malone MD, inventor of mRNA vaccine platform.
Interview highlights
- Geert Vanden Bossche (GV) at 17m: Massive surges of the infection rates, especially in countries with an aggressive mass-vaccination policy, was predictable.
- Robert Malone (RM) at 23m: The Israeli data is a concern: we are seeing signs that the durability of the [Pfizer vaccine] is very poor.
- RM at 26m: The vaccinated are a higher risk of becoming superspreaders because they’re replicating virus at the same or higher levels than the unvaccinated but they feel better.
- GV at 28m: The effect of mass-vaccination is an ideal breeding-ground for more infections spread. However, if still have a substantial proportion that is non-vaccinated, you will see a reduction of infectious pressure.
- GV at 31m: The unvaccinated are ‘the vaccum cleaners’ who will eliminate a lot of virus from the population by mounting long-lived immunity and contribute to the reduction of infectious pressure. The vaccinated cannot contribute to the infectious pressure.
- RM at 33m: The truth is that it’s the vaccinated that are creating the risk, not the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are serving as virus sinks. The probability of them having significant disease and death is minute. The real risk is the vaccinated who have received very focused spike proteins.
- GV at 35m: It is not a problem of individuals being vaccinated. The problem is a policy of mass-vaccination. That is how the more infections variant can adapt to the population and become dominant.
- GV at 58m: Young people are now getting the disease pretty fast because of the increased infectious pressure [due to mass-vaccination].
- RM at 1h10m: There are disincentives to asking questions about data for vaccine-enhanced replication and antibody-dependent enhancement; no-one wants fund the studies.
- GV at 1h12m: Regulators have no experience with the current situation where there are very many unknowns when deploying a new vaccine to the public.
- RM at 1h17m: The FDA is not structured to detect adverse advents and have admitted they cannot evaluate safety. Two of the top [US] regulators resigned because the FDA is no longer independent from the policy-making apparatus which exists in the Executive Branch [of US Government].
- RM at 1h24m: There is an intrinsic conflict of interest in the CDC in that it is funded to promote vaccines but also has the under-funded mission of evaluating their safety.
- RM at 1h25m: Policy recommendations together with Peter Navarro (American economist and author):
- Reserve vaccines for the high-risk population and make it available globally.
- Make early interventions [like Ivermectin and Vitamin D] widely available. Many are very effective when administered early and aggressively.
- Make home-test kits available (acknowledging that they have a bias to false positives) and make more specific tests in physicians offices.
- Address the fear by showing that currently most people are not at risk.
- GV at 1h30m: The most important thing is to reduce the infectious pressure. This is a huge threat to all those who were naturally protected, such as young people. The worst thing to do is to vaccinate the younger age groups because they are ‘the buffer’ of long-lived immunity. They are our hope for herd immunity. We will not get herd immunity from mass-vaccination.
- GV at 1h39m: We need to compare the ratio of severe disease of deaths in vaccinated and unvaccinated. We are seeing more case fatalities in the vaccinated but the numbers are not being made available.
- RM at 1h41m: There is a persistent signal in the UK data that there seems to be an excess deaths in the vaccinated and yet a relative deficit in the vaccinated. This is paradoxical.
- GV at 1h47m: Discrimination against the non-vaccinated is complete scientific nonsense. We should care about susceptibility. What is relevant is how can we protect ourselves best.