
COVID Long Haulers follow-up with Dr. Al Johnson and Dr. Peter McCullough – Johnson Medical Associates

Dr. Al Johnson is back with Dr. Peter McCullough to discuss the problem with long COVID as well as vaccine reactions.

The UK ‘Vaccination’ Programme – Architects for Social Housing

A 3-part series by Simon Elmer from Architects for Social Housing.


It’s been nine months now since, in my article Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: Manufacturing the Crisis, I analysed the statistics on official ‘COVID-19 deaths’ published by the institutions responsible for justifying the regulations and programmes of the UK biosecurity state. These include the Office for National Statistics, the National Health Service and Public Health England. Together with concerned reports from medical bodies, including Cancer Research UK, the British Heart Foundation and the Alzheimer’s Society, these statistics strongly suggested that at least half the 80,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in 2020 resulted from the withdrawal of medical diagnosis, treatment and care under lockdown restrictions. However, this is a conservative estimate, and doesn’t include the 20,000 excess deaths in care homes last year swept under the COVID-19 carpet. I’m pleased to relate that my article has been visited over 57,000 times on our website, which shows, if nothing else, that there is a continued desire among the public to know what is actually going on, and an ongoing refusal to accept the increasingly transparent lies we continue to be told by those awarding themselves increasing power and authority over our lives.


The tragic death of Lisa Shaw shows why smearing those with concerns over Covid vaccines as ‘anti-vaxxers’ is wrong – RT

The coercion of people to take these new on the market vaccines is something we’ve never seen before in our lifetimes in Britain. People have been bombarded with text messages and phone calls asking us to book a vaccine appointment. Anyone with a following who expresses the mildest of concerns about the vaccines and their promotion has been labelled an ‘anti-vaxxer’ or a ‘crank’ or ‘conspiracy theorist’. There’s been unedifying media witch-hunts against so-called ’anti-vaxxers’– with one columnist even suggesting that ‘refuseniks’ should have to wear a bell round their necks and a sandwich board declaring themselves ‘Unclean’.


CDC links Pfizer Covid vaccine to heart inflammation – latest update and symptoms to spot – The Express

THE CENTERS for Disease Control and Prevention’s safety committee has provided an update on the association between Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines and heart inflammation.

On 23 June the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s safety committee said there was a “likely association” between the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis (the medical term for heart inflammation) and pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the heart) in some young adults. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices said there was a higher than expected number of reports of heart inflammation in people aged 16-24 who had received the mRNA vaccines but that the benefits of vaccination still clearly outweighed the risks.


Dr. Roger Hodkinson – Investigative Corona Committee Germany Session 56

Dr Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, and has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years. He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK, and then became a Royal College certified pathologist in Canada (FRCPC) following a residency in Vancouver, BC.

Source: Western Medical Assessments
  • Dr Hodkinson’s interview is at 2h49m.

Find out more about the Investigative Corona Committee Germany.

The video at has been removed from YouTube

Backup mirrors:

A shortened version of the video Session 56 has been uploaded to Bitchute by Coronavirus Plushie.


Investigative Corona Committee Germany Session 56 (Full video)

Dr. Michael Dykta, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Professor Arne Burkhardt, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Roger Hodkinson speak with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on Germany’s Investigative Corona Committee Session 56.

  • Dr McCullough’s is at around 1h35m.
  • Dr Hodkinson’s interview is at 2h49m.

Find out more about the Investigative Corona Committee Germany.

The full video has been removed from YouTube. You can find a backup mirror below: