
Sucharit Bhakdi & the prosecution of “thought crime” – OffGuardian

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, one of the first medical experts to speak out against the Covid hysteria, is being prosecuted in Germany. Please see the resources below for more information.

Alternative Media Videos

The Pandemic and the War on Humanity, with Dr. Naomi Wolf – Counterflow Podcast

Dr. Naomi Wolf joins me this week to go over the serious information that her team has uncovered in the Pfizer documents. At, she has assembled a team of over 3500 medical experts to comb over the thousands and thousands of pages of Pfizer documents that the FDA tried to have sealed for 75 years. Luckily, a judge did not allow that. Also, Naomi and her team have discovered many of the reasons that Pfizer didn’t want that information to be public. There was not incompetence on their part, but rather outright maliciousness. They knew the harmful effects and the wide variety of them and hid them from the public. We go through many of them in this short episode, and the end result is population decline, which appears to be a feature, not a bug. We get into all of this, along with issues of repentance, punishment, forgiveness, spiritual warfare, good vs. evil, and more.


MPs say Kosovo bombing was illegal but necessary – The Guardian

Published 6 June 2000

Nato’s bombing of Kosovo [in 1999] was illegal under international law, the Labour-controlled foreign affairs select committee is expected to report today.

After an inquiry into the foreign policy implications of the Kosovo crisis, the select committee has concluded that Nato is a defensive alliance and has no powers under its treaty to conduct a humanitarian operations war without the specific authority of the United Nations.

Russia repeatedly promised to use its veto to prevent the UN backing military action.

Alternative Media Videos

Dr. Sam White | Session 85: Rethinking Investigative Corona Committee Germany

Corona Investigative Committee discusses the clear signal in the data showing that the pharmaceutical industry is experimenting with different vaccine batches in different locations. Dr. Fuellmich says that we can only conclude this is intentional harm.


A Message to the UK Government and the BBC – Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Oracle Films

Professor Sucharit Bhakdi: “You are now witnessing the greatest crime that England has ever committed in its history.”


James talks to Dr Reiner Fuellmich about Nuremberg 2 – James Delingpole

James talks to German-American lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich about Nuremberg 2 and why those involved in the Coronavirus scare should be tried for crimes against humanity.