
Hungary: Highest Vaccinated Counties Have Worst Birth Rate Drops! – Igor Chudov

This is an apples-to-apples, Hungarians-to-Hungarians, same time period comparison! Pretty much the only variable is the extent to which those counties vaccinated their citizens by July 2021, including young people likely to make babies. Again, to remind you: the vaccination rates are a snapshot for July 13, 2021. You can add 9 months to July 2021, which gives you April 2022. Thus, you can see why birth rates in Q1 2022 changed: because of Covid vaccination.

The result? The more vaccination, the greater the declines in the birth rates.


Anti-vax Olympic champion dies from Covid aged 51 after finally agreeing to take jab – The Mirror

An Olympic champion who initially refused the Covid vaccine has now died from the disease. Gymnast Szilveszter Csollany passed at the age of 51 after eventually agreeing to be jabbed to keep his job.

Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany has died from Covid aged 51 after initially refusing to take the vaccine.


So what about Sweden, huh? – The Spectator

It’s amazing how often Sweden still crops up in conversations. It didn’t impose tough lockdown, kept primary schools and core economic activities functioning, issued clear guidelines and relied on voluntary social distancing and personal hygiene practices to manage the crisis. For harsh lockdowns to be justified elsewhere, Sweden had to be discredited. Hence the harsh criticisms of Sweden’s approach last year by the New York TimesNewsweekUSA Today, CBS News and others.

But with Sweden’s demonstrable success, goalposts have shifted. Every time it’s mentioned as a counter to Europe’s high Covid-toll lockdown countries, the response now is: ‘But their Nordic neighbours did much better. Look at Denmark’. Let’s ‘interrogate’ this argument.