Catherine Austin Fitts speaks with Karel van Wolferen Dutch journalist, writer and professor, about the war in Ukraine and how it ties into the economic reset.

Catherine Austin Fitts is an American investment banker, former public official and founder of The Solari Report.
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Catherine Austin Fitts speaks with Karel van Wolferen Dutch journalist, writer and professor, about the war in Ukraine and how it ties into the economic reset.
James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts talk about a wealth transfer that is going unnoticed by most of the public.
While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world. It’s called the Going Direct Reset, and it’s going to fundamentally transform the monetary system as we know it. Today Catherine Austin Fitts of joins us to talk about this transformation and what we can do about it.
Investigative journalist Whitney Webb joins [Catherine Austin Fitts] to discuss her latest excellent exposés of the high-tech push for central control.
Why cash? Because in order to have a full digital monetary system with complete central control, the circulation of paper currency has to end. (See the above video of Bank for International Settlements General Manager Agustín Carstens in October 2020, telling you exactly where the central bankers intend to go.) We’ve already heard there are coin shortages. Some are saying that the Fed has stopped printing paper currency. That can’t be confirmed, but it doesn’t really matter. We know the game. To slow this train down, we can keep paper currencies and coins circulating. This is a very easy thing for all of us to do.
Catherine Austin Fitts, publisher of Solari Report talks about Central Bankers, transhumanism, technocracy and economic war.
To guard against censorship, this is a mirror of the Planet Lockdown documentary video that was censored by YouTube.
Interview notes contributed by RosieL
The US$ has been the reserve currency for a long time – creaking – Central Bankers are trying to extend the old system as the new system (no more currencies, a new transactional system) isn’t ready. Involves many industries, digital, takes in all the currencies on the planet.
Nobody would want the new transactional system so they use invisible enemies to scare the public. A few control the many using fear, so people need gov to protect them.
Also use media to divide and conquer, turn people against one another.
Stop people gathering, talking – digitise who is where with track and trace, online education/work can monitor everything people say.
Aim to get people to their destination before they see where they are going. No money only a control system. Turn your money on and off.
Transhumanism as well, so physically connected to financial system (5 min)
Shut down highstreet & independent forms of income – bring in huge companies – people have cash flow problem – trying to feed family – gov do as they want – nobody left to finance relatively populist politicians (Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump).
8 minutes:
An economic war
Since April global billionaires have increased their net worth by 27%, shouldn’t call them capitalists
It’s not ‘capitalism’ it’s economic totalitarianism
Consolidate wealth from middle classes and the weaker nations (to countries with digital Artificial Intelligence)
Coup d’etat democracy to technocracy
Financial coup 20-odd years in US, end 1995 decision to move assets out of nation, stolen money in governments and pension funds (definitely in GB as well – that’s what Alan tried to stop)
Technocracy: this is transhumanism, inject equivalent to have an operating system in the human body. Hook everyone up to the Cloud. Digitally identify people and track them with their transactions. Every Central Bank can shut you off, similar to Social Credit system in China. [Scientist I asked about this, Philip Foster, said that this bit really isn’t possible. Not really needed IMO as they control us anyway.]
Spatial control as well, not allowed to travel.
Media mind control. Slavery system 24/7
14 mins: If ‘Mr Global’ ( = committee that runs this) want technocracy and we want to remain a human system then we have a fundamental disagreement.
Tech people building Clouds and telecommunications
Military putting up satellites
Big Pharma making the injections that are full of these mystery ingredients
Media propaganda
Central Bankers doing cypto systems
They are trying to keep these separate so we can’t join the dots and see what’s going on. Build the system without us seeing it. Eg Bankers stay away from other topics (eg head of IMF accidentally mentioned the Digital ID system)
19 minutes: “The door on the trap hasn’t shut”
Injecting brain control: She said this early in the year, ref Bill Gates, people in America are waking up. Brain experts. Amazon runs Intelligence contracts. [??????? plausible?]
Universal Basic Income a control system.
Why: Technology gives them the ability to control. Slavery is profitable. Small number of people can gain power.
‘Mr Global’ can live for 150 years, can’t keep that secret. Easy life without management problems. They (The Swamp) are afraid of the general population, which in history does occasionally kill the leadership.
Most people in world don’t understand the Americans’ attachment to their guns. An old tradition in America of voting fraud. Never seen as blatant as this time. Needed covid to stop Trump (relatively populist only). Fake virus and a fake president.
‘Bizarre World’ began, not this year, but as they started to steel the money (Rosie, yes that’s how it feels)