
UK’s biggest source of greenhouse gas? This ‘eco’ power station! Drax in Yorkshire burns wood pellets that are treated as a ‘renewable’ fuel but emit more carbon dioxide than coal, research shows –

A supposedly ‘green’ power station subsidised with public money is Britain’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gas, research shows.

Drax in Yorkshire burns wood pellets, which are treated as a ‘renewable’ fuel and the site has attracted more than £800million of taxpayer subsidies.

But analysis shows that the burning of wood for power – known as biomass – has been the cause of more carbon dioxide emissions than coal since 2019.

Drax burns millions of tonnes of wood to provide around 12 per cent of the UK’s total electric power, generating 15.6megatonnes (Mt) of carbon dioxide emissions each year, which cause the planet to heat up by trapping heat around the Earth – the greenhouse effect.

The power station is also one of the top five emitters in Europe of toxic air pollution particles known as PM10.

Currently accounting rules allow Drax to be treated as ‘carbon neutral’.


Contagion Myth – Session 1, Dr. Tom Cowan


‘What we are breathing through our mouth and nose is actually hazardous waste’: Scientists find evidence of toxic chemicals in some face masks – Daily Mail

Scientists have found evidence that some face masks which are on sale and being used by members of the general public are laced with toxic chemicals. 

Preliminary tests have revealed traces of a variety of compounds which are heavily restricted for both health and environmental reasons. 

This includes formaldehyde, a chemical known to cause watery eyes; a burning sensations in the eyes, nose, and throat; coughing; wheezing; and nausea. 

Experts are concerned that the presence of these chemicals in masks which are being worn for prolonged periods of time could cause unintended health issues.