
Our government should not be copying totalitarian states – Dr. John Lee, Spiked

  • The government is purporting to engage with ‘The Science’, but it is also engaging in psychological operations.
  • But a side-effect of compelling people to wear masks is that some may decide it is all too stupid, and they are not going to go to the shops until this idiocy is over.
  • But a side-effect of compelling people to wear masks is that some may decide it is all too stupid, and they are not going to go to the shops until this idiocy is over.
  • The science on masks is very weak. The claim is that you might spread Covid-19 without knowing, if you have it asymptomatically.
  • Firstly, asymptomatic Covid-19 spreading around is good because it reduces the virulence of the virus.
  • Secondly, the idea that masks stop the spread is not only totally unproven, but also facile. It is a failure of imagination.
  • When a droplet hits a mask, it will dry out within seconds or, at most, minutes. If there is any substance to the droplet other than water, it will turn into a dust particle. Unless you superglue the mask to your face, there will be a constant rain of dust particles coming out from all directions around your mask as you breathe. They will be breathed in by others and the virus will do what it does.
  • There seems to have been no assessment whatsoever of the effects of lockdown before we entered it. That violates a key principle of medicine: first, do no harm. 
  • There is a term in medicine for taking action without that knowledge: negligence. The government was negligent in putting us into lockdown with no assessment of what that would do.
  • The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are not fever, cough, headache and respiratory symptoms – they are no symptoms at all, and around 99 per cent of those who catch this virus recover.
  • The government painted itself into a corner very quickly. It doesn’t know how to get out of that corner apart from by acting out the scenario that it came up with in the first place, which is why, months after we could have abolished all these restrictions and got back to normal, we are going through more months of public virtue-signalling and ritualistic behaviour. 
  • The WHO is not fit for purpose and whose performance has been lamentable
  • The WHO said there were no asymptomatic cases of Covid-19. Now, it is reckoned probably about 90 per cent of people who get Covid-19 are asymptomatic. That is a big change in viewpoint.
  • Broadcasters have done a woeful job of presenting balance on this, and have not allowed views contrary to the mainstream narrative to reach the public.
  • I also fear too many people are compliant, and complacent in thinking the government knows what it’s doing.
  • This episode is showing us that personal freedom must not be taken for granted.


Chris Whitty effectively explains why lockdown is a waste of time


RAPID RISK ASSESSMENT Outbreak of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) – European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

About 80% of patients have mild to moderate disease (including non-pneumonia and pneumonia cases), 13.8% have severe disease and 6.1% are critical (respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction/failure). Individuals at highest risk for severe disease and death are people aged over 60 years of age and those with underlying conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and cancer. Disease in children appears to be relatively rare and mild. About 2.4% of the total reported cases were individuals under 19 years of age. A very small proportion of those aged under 19 years have developed severe (2.5%) or critical disease (0.2%).


Most coronavirus cases are mild, complicating the response – The Washington Post

But the virus’s destructive potential has overshadowed one encouraging aspect of this outbreak: So far, about 82 percent of the cases — including all 14 in the United States — have been mild, with symptoms that require little or no medical intervention. And that proportion may be an undercount.


Covid-19: four fifths of cases are asymptomatic, China figures indicate – The BMJ

News Videos

Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2

Note: The original video has been censored from YouTube. You may find an archive on Bitchute:
  • 00:36-Professor Wittkowski explains his recommendations for how to best deal with COVID-19
  • 01:36-Is self-isolation prolonging the duration of COVID-19?
  • 02:33-Are policies of self-isolation or shelter-in-place a good idea?
  • 03:46-The pandemic is over
  • 04:27-Did China lie about its COVID-19 statistics?
  • 05:03-The truth behind the statistics given by the government of the United States
  • 07:52-Are we even reporting flu deaths anymore?
  • 08:16-Why are hospitals being overwhelmed?
  • 09:16-Shortage of medial supplies
  • 10:19-Has social distancing prevented deaths from COVID-19?
  • 11:55-Staying indoors can make the virus worse
  • 16:02-Why social distancing won’t work for an airborne contagion
  • 17:41-Do we need a vaccine for COVID-19?
  • 18:31-Humans can grow immune to this virus
  • 18:55-The data doesn’t say that COVID-19 is more contagious than the flu
  • 22:43-Changes in reporting COVID-19 cases
  • 25:33-What makes COVID-19 different than the Swine Flu
  • 27:05-What are the possible health risks of sheltering in place?
  • 27:43-The “Second Wave” of COVID-19
  • 30:10-The truth about FlattentheCurve hashtag 31:10-What should we do about sheltering in place?
  • 32:24-Why we need to achieve natural herd immunity
  • 34:17-Should we be testing everyone for COVID-19?
  • 35:35-The real effects of COVID-19
  • 38:53-The percentage of people who won’t have any symptoms
  • 39:34-What should we do about COVID-19 at this point?
  • 40:40-Is this really a pandemic?
  • 40:50-What you should know