
Common 29p drug ‘cuts Covid hospitalisation risk by a third’ – Birmingham Mail

A common drug slashes your risk of hospitalisation after Covid by as much as a third.

An antidepressant costing just 29p was given to half in a new study, with the other participants getting a placebo.

The study took place in Brazil, in South America, and its research has now been published in the Lancet.

…Fluvoxamine is branded as Faverin in the UK, and was found to reduce the hospital risk by 32 per cent in Covid sufferers.

Edward Mills, a researcher at McMaster University, Canada, which co-led the study, said: “Fluvoxamine is, so far, the only treatment that if administered early, can prevent Covid-19 from becoming a life-threatening illness.


Revealed – 16 care homes given £1,000 to take Covid-positive hospital patients – Birmingham Mail

  • From late-February 2020, Birmingham City Council gave care homes a £1,000 extra cash to take in hospital patients in a hurry, including some with coronavirus.
  • Reason: more NHS beds could be freed up for coronavirus patients.
  • Care home had to bid for the resident in a four hour window and, if their bid was ‘winning’, organise admission within 24 hours – regardless of the citizen’s Covid-19 testing or diagnosis status at the point of discharge.
  • Care home manager, Jane Farr, of Digby Manor care home in Erdington, believes her rejection of the offer is one of the reasons none of her residents have been infected.
  • From late February, any in-patients deemed ‘fit to discharge’ were rapidly moved out of hospital so hospital staff could focus on coronavirus patients.
  • Dr David Rosser, chief executive of University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) said the city created too much capacity – indicating some of the frantic measures to empty beds turned out to be not needed.
  • From April 15 the Government’s rules changed and all discharged residents were supposed to undergo a test first.