News Opinion

What are we to make of the latest figures on deaths, Covid-19 or otherwise? – Peter Hitchens, The Mail on Sunday


The coronavirus lockdown is also harming the nation’s health – Dr. Max Pemberton, The Daily Mail

Colleagues around the country report their clinics have never felt emptier or their workloads lighter as hospitals have gone on a war footing.

Yes, of course it is a war we have to fight with every weapon at our disposal. But I read, with a growing sense of outrage, a leaked report this week claiming that over the Easter weekend just 19 patients were treated at the newly-created 4,000-bed Nightingale Hospital in East London.

News Opinion

It’s the forgotten victims I fear for most – Dr Max Pemberton, Daily Mail

A study by King’s College London has found that putting suspected coronavirus patients in quarantine could cause long-lasting, psychological damage. Spending weeks in isolation can trigger PTSD, depression, feelings of confusion, anger and fear, and even drug abuse.