Letter dated 17 March 2020 to Chief executives of all NHS trusts and foundation trusts.
This guidance sets out the amended financial arrangements for the NHS for the period between 1 April and 31 July. These changes will enable the NHS and partner organisations (including Local Authorities and the Independent Sector) to respond to COVID-19. We will continue to revise this guidance to reflect operational changes and feedback from the service as the response develops.
We will shortly be making a payment on account to all acute and ambulance providers to cover the costs of COVID-19-related work done so far this year, with final costs for the current financial year being confirmed as part of the year end processes. This initial
payment will be based on information already submitted by providers. Future payments will be based on further cost submissions.
All NHS providers and commissioners must carefully record the costs incurred in responding to the outbreak and will be required to report actual costs incurred on a monthly basis. Accurate record keeping during this time is crucial – record keeping must meet the requirements of external audit, and public and Parliamentary scrutiny.
To support reimbursement and track expenditure we will in due course be asking all relevant organisations to provide best estimates of expected costs from now until the expected end of the peak outbreak. We will provide further guidance with relevant
assumptions in order to support you in making these estimates.